Second year of marriage. Done.

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I’ve heard of mommy bloggers who shill stuff as they write: “Kodiak whole grain waffles are $10 at @Costco instead of $20 @Amazon.” Or “Hey mamas – don’t forget to buy @Affresh to clean out the sediment from your dishwasher.” Or “@KoalaKare changing stations are the best!”

I’m unable to subtly handle product placement here. And since I blog once a year and the only one reading this is my mom (thanks mom!) I don’t think Eric Peiffer Industries will benefit from that revenue stream quite yet.

That said, I’ve realized there is a niche for nursing shirts / dresses. It’s been tough to find 1 place that curates all that stuff. So here’s a start:

Tommy Hilfiger V neck sweater

Tuckernuck Scoop black tshirt

Ellen Tracy zipper blue dress

No shilling here though – just some learning. I’ve learned, since birthing a baby in November, that women are amazing (cue “Who run the world? Girls.”).

I’ve also learned that a sign of a healthy marriage is your hubby sacrificing peanut butter chunks as he spelunks in the Haagen Dazs ice cream pint. I mean really, what is love if not giving your wife the treasured peanut butter chunk?

As we celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary Feb 7, I know our love is intact. Peanut butter says that best.

I’ve also learned that a sign you are 37 and very old is your 15 year old daughter having to explain what “the dab” is.img_7933

I’ve also learned that a sign your 13 year old is significantly more mature than you is her choice of salmon as a snack while you consume Fruit by the Foot with Sebby.

Not just consume but re-enact Lady & the Tramp as our giddy faces glide towards each other as we eat an entire foot of pink high fructose corn syrup.

My motherly maturity is later confirmed by my singing EVERY SINGLE WORD of “What Time Is It?” from High School Musical driving Coco home from tennis lessons…

I’ve also learned that parenting is a lot like running a small business. You are the COO, HR, IT (“mom, the WiFi went down!”), & communications department all in one as you jam to Usher on the way to Target and carry on conversations with your 6 year old as to why Aunt Leslie can’t take a job at Dunkin Donuts, why forgetting your library book does not mean jail time (this Parks & Rec scene clearly terrified him) or why he’s not allowed to construct a full fledged zoo in our backyard.img_4413img_7596

I’ve also learned that you need more diapers than you think you should. Little Margaret (MJ) has an incredible digestive system (re-christened shmoopy poopy this month) and has come in handy as a 10 pound weight during my post-baby workouts, workouts encompassing a treadmill & Marie Kondo-like cleaning of closets as of late.

As of late, I’ve also been planning Sebby’s upcoming 7th birthday party -Ghostbusters themed, and suggested we have a meeting to discuss the proton packs, the slime, and the piñata to see if it fits within our budget. “Mommy, am I in this meeting?” Seb asked confusedly.

img_4528-1Mommy forgot to send him the Outlook invite.

Parenting isn’t just about doing for your kids, it’s also about feeling. Feeling the moments of joy in between chauffering, cooking, laundry, and chats – it’s tearing up as Chloe sings “Climb every mountain” on stage, feeling immense hope watching Phoebe awaken at 5:30AM to open her Bible, and watching Seb learn new things each day, like the difference between a weekday and a weekend. “A weekend sweetie”, I explained, “is when you can run around in your underwear, play with Legos, and watch Ninjago.”

“If that’s what it means – then mommy, I hate weekdays.”

Apparently he’s learning too.



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4 responses to “Second year of marriage. Done.

  1. Justyna

    I am reading it too 🙂 Greetings from FL, Marcia!

  2. Beth Kostner

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! Keep the “fluid and flexible” perspective and don’t blink or MJ will be graduating High School!

  3. Nancy Verel

    Happy 2nd Anniversary to you and Eric!

  4. Susan Varotti

    Congratulations on the new little bundle!
    Not exactly sure how I came across your blog but we knew Eric and Leann when we lived in NYC. We tried to connect with you all a year and a half ago while dropping our son off at the Cleveland airport, but schedules didn’t allow. Perhaps this summer we can meet up or better yet, why don’t you all come visit us in Budapest!!
    We’re so happy for you, Eric and the children. God is so gracious and good.

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