Blame it on the….

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#ThankGodTheseKidsRollWithStuff: I made the worst Mahi-Mahi ever last week. In vinaigrette.

Because only brilliance decides to be creative on something you’ve never cooked before, on 3 children and your fiance you’re visiting, on a Friday night.  Everyone pretended it was good. It was not. #LoveCoversAMultitudeOfSins #RibsTonight.

Eric, ever the optimist, blamed the Mahi-Mahi on Costco. The freeway is also responsible for my difficulty changing lanes like a crazy person. Starbucks is also responsible for me drinking a Frappucino piled high with whipcream instead of a Green Tea. Whoever left the Levain chocolate chip cookie on the counter this morning is responsible for me eating it instead of oatmeal. The TV is also responsible for me watching “Morning Joe” instead of doing extra Pilates stretches.

Having recovered from the Mahi-Mahi fiasco, Sunday, over Panera’s grilled cheese with those carefully colored black grill lines atop, my driving instructor / fiance told our 4 year old that if he learns to count to 20 he’ll get a dinosaur. If I can change lanes without swerving and prompting a pile up on 280 East, I get one too. Though surely, in Eric’s mind, the pile up will be the highway’s fault. Cause it totally is.

My contributions to Tamarack Trail, aside from disgusting vinaigrette stained Mahi-Mahi and limited driving skills…thus far are quite small. Although there is a new shelf in the living room the size of the state of Texas. It houses a TV. Because I’ll be here. Thus far, I’ve contributed to this family: See’s butterscotch lollipops, an egg cooker, “Gilmour Girls” reruns, a Crock Pot, disgusting vinaigrette Mahi-Mahi, lines from “The Fugitive” about thinking up “coffee and a chocolate donut with sprinkles” and now the idea for a ginormous TV. Just in time for the snow….

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